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How To Make Your Office More Creative

Creativity is the backbone of most successful marketing campaigns. When you have it, dynamic and exciting ideas are produced. Without it, you end up copying the competition and so always stay that little bit behind.

There are pieces out there that offer advice when it comes to encouraging creative thinking, yet they all aim to change company culture, which takes time and a lot of work. Why not aim to sort out the simple things first rather than worry about the company culture? Here are a few practical tips when it comes to increasing creativity in your business.

The Office – Make it interesting

Let’s be honest, a boring, drab, dark office has never inspired anyone to do anything. Yet it’s not difficult to make real changes. It’s well known that colour has an effect on mood, but have you ever thought about how that mood can affect creativity in the office? Bold, bright colours will help your people to stay positive, while introducing things that are a little “outside the box” will help to get the creative juices flowing.  The best way to think differently is to be different.

The Work – Collaborate and learn

Difference is important to creativity, so embrace different views! Look around your office; there are people with different roles, different backgrounds and different life experiences. They may be the key to your coming up with something that makes you different. Try to encourage discussion within the office; have regular informal meetings about anything creative and encourage people to read.

Knowledge development is important to a lot of major companies, so set aside time for you and your team to read up on your industry. Don’t just stop there though: look at other things that relate to you and your company. Remember to talk to each other and work together.

Networking – Get out there!          

Want to improve your knowledge? Get out there and talk to people. This should not just be a job for senior people in the office – get everyone involved. Find out about local business meetings, media socials and start-up events. Go and talk to people, you’ll get free alternative insights into your business and you may even pick up a new team member, customer or supplier.

The Team – Take time to relax and play

Ok, you don’t have to go for the full “Margarita Friday”, but it’s important to set aside time for you and your team to relax together. Think of it less of a team-building exercise, more of a case of relaxing with your mates. As a business you all have to work for each other, so the more relaxed you feel with each other the easier it will be for people to speak up and come up with more interesting ideas. You never know your “Margarita Friday” may produce the idea that makes your Monday morning.

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