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Four IP Mistakes You Must Avoid

Inventors, entrepreneurs and start-ups often like taking risks and pushing the boundaries. That is what innovation is all about and surely our world would not have progressed as much if it were not for risk-takers. However, when it comes to the intellectual property (IP), making mistakes can have disastrous consequences. Here are four common mistakes you need to avoid.

1 Not seeking legal advice at the beginning

Maybe not having a budget to properly protect your IP or trying to do it all yourself. It’s a dilemma: save a few hundred pounds now, while money is scarce, but leave yourself open to risks of potential litigation and significant costs later. Prevention is better than cure and certainly the cost of prevention is much less than the cost of correction/litigation/lost value and investment. Having a budget does not mean it must be huge, but it means access to an IP lawyer (and not only a patent attorney) will help you protect and make the most of your invention.

2 Not recognising or protecting the value of IP

IP includes a variety of rights patents, copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets and other confidential or proprietary information. Sometimes inventors think that if they do not have a patent there is nothing worth protecting or if they apply for a patent that’s all the protection and advice they need. Unfortunately, it’s not that simple. You should understand that even if an invention is not patentable, it’s still worth discussing the various options with an IP specialist, since it may be protected via copyright or as trade secret. Think the magic formula of Coca Cola. IP rights when managed correctly can (a) be licensed; (b) be sold/assigned; (c) be enforced against a suspected infringer and protect their owner against competition and increase the value of the invention.  

3 Not carrying out appropriate clearances

Using a trademark, domain name, design or product without searching whether someone else has registered it or is already using a similar name, design, etc, can be a very expensive mistake – not only in terms of having to adopt another name, domain name and paying extra costs, but also in terms of bad publicity and PR, lost customers and exposure to potentially very expensive damages.

4 Not having appropriate agreements 

Without the use of appropriate agreements, an inventor may lose their valuable IP assets. An inventor often needs people to perform various tasks, either as employees or third party suppliers/contractors. In each case, the inventor must adopt the correct agreement to ensure ownership of IP and other rights and obligations such as confidentiality, non-competition and non-solicitation. Simple payment for the work performed does not guarantee IP ownership.

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