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Attract an Audience by Writing with Style

The sheer number of blogs in existence makes a writer’s most difficult task distinguishing themselves from the pack. From an informational standpoint, this is practically impossible. Somebody, somewhere, is sharing the same knowledge you are, and odds are they’ve been doing it longer and have more authority. How then, can a beginning writer break through the wall of anonymity and attract a large audience?

The answer is style. Writing is an art form, and although it can’t be taught, it can be learned. Understanding the principals of this article will help you channel your inner author and attract a devoted following.

1. It’s All About You

Blogging is constantly referred to as the pinnacle of narcissism. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing. The driving force behind all great blogs is personality. There are thousands of sites posting marketing advice, but why does everyone read Seth’s Blog? It isn’t because we couldn’t find the information elsewhere, it’s because of Seth Godin. We trust Seth, but more importantly, we like Seth. That’s why we keep coming back.

Your personal charisma is the only unique aspect of your writing. Don’t hold back. Display your intelligence. Let your readers know who you are. Be brash, be funny, be controversial, but above all be yourself. Attracting an audience is about forming thousands of individual connections, one reader at a time.

2. Never Take the Conventional Angle

Unless you’re lucky enough to break a fantastic news story, the subject of your writing has already been covered. If you’re not going to say something different, don’t bother. People will read your redundant post and think, “Been there, seen that, not interesting, why bother reading again?” Summarizing what everyone already knows provides zero value to readers.

It’s always possible to take a different angle. Instead of agreeing with what’s right, find an aspect of conventional opinion you know is wrong and show everyone why. Use tangible examples from personal experience. Instead of taking the seller’s perspective, write as if you were a customer. It takes effort and creative thinking, but writing with a fresh perspective is the only way to create a user experience worth repeating.

3. Write With an Edge

Writing with an edge requires a degree of talent and courage few people possess. Don’t hold yourself back for fear of coming off as arrogant or aggressive. You may offend people but you’ll also gain admirers. At the very least, people will remember you. The worst possible reaction is no reaction at all.

Writing with an edge means writing with wit and eloquence. It means writing with fire and authority. It’s the only writing that leaves readers awestruck, eagerly awaiting every word. Don’t be afraid of your passion. Embrace it, nourish it, and your writing will leap off the page.

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