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What Your Subconscious Mind is Saying

Is your subconscious mind ready to make the change? Do you actually want to be rich?  I know your answer. Without thinking, you will reply “Yes, I want to be rich.” But your subconscious mind might think that being rich means hard work, very long working days, no weekends, no time with the family, giving up all hobbies and pastimes, becoming an easy target for borrowers.

Am I ready to take up all these changes in my life just to get rich? Your subconscious mind is hesitating and is likely to filter out the new ideas which you will be exposed to, those ideas which form an integral part of all rich and successful people. Let’s find out what your subconscious mind wants. For this experiment you need a small pendulum. You can make one, using a small bob or weight such as a finger ring hanging from a string, like the one in the picture alongside. Next, draw a simple diagram on a clean white sheet of paper like the one illustrated Below. Include the words YES, NO and NOT SURE in your diagram. Alternately you can use a clean photocopy of this diagram of the Hypnotic Circle. Remember, you will need an absolutely peaceful environment in order to successfully conduct this experiment. Make sure there are no dogs barking, no children playing around you, no doorbells telephones / cell phones ringing,  no noise pollution whatsoever during the experiment on Hypnosis.

Sit down comfortably and hold one end of the string between two fingers, allowing the other end with the pendulum to hang freely over the diagram of the Hypnotic Circle. Bring the pendulum to a complete rest over the point where the two straight lines cross. When the pendulum is stationary, think of some Questions whose answers are known to you, e.g. “Am I married?” or “Do I have children?” Ask yourself these questions and see what happens. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO DO ANYTHING. ALL YOU SHOULD DO IS THINK OF THE QUESTIONS. No finger movement from you at all. The pendulum will start moving within 2  minutes (sometimes within seconds) in the direction of the right answer. This means, if the answer to your question, “Am I married?” is  “Yes”,  then  the  pendulum  will  start oscillating  along  the  line  of  YES.  Once the movement starts, keep asking questions one after another, questions from your life, the answers of which are known to you. Ask questions which can be answered by YES or NO or NOT SURE. You can’t ask questions such as, “Who was my best friend in school?” because the answer can only be in “yes”, “no” or “not sure”. If you are not sure of an answer, you will find the pendulum oscillating in a clockwise circle, instead of following on one of the straight lines. You will be astonished the first time you conduct this experiment. What was happening really? Was it some sort of a miracle? No. It is science. The pendulum being an inanimate object cannot move by itself unless you make it move. It was your subconscious mind that was controlling your hand to make the pendulum move towards the correct answer. Your mind was asking the questions and your subconscious mind was answering them.

Now, ask yourself the vital question – “Am I ready to be a millionaire?”  See how your subconscious mind reacts. The answer that you will get is the honest confession of your subconscious mind. Ask related questions like “Am I open to change and new ideas?”, “Am I ready to work very hard?”, “Am I ready to sacrifice my weekends?” If the answers are all in the affirmative, it means that there is no conflict between your thoughts and your subconscious mind. You are most probably the type of person who will readily accept the ideas discussed in this section. If the pendulum sways in the direction of “no”, or “not sure”, then your subconscious mind is probably not still ready for the change that you have been dreaming of.

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