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Make and Promote your BLOG – Best Blog Promotion Tips

Promote your Blog with Following Strategies with SEO Expert Pakistan
  • Submit your site to the main web directories – you’ll find a good list at Directory Maximiser
  • Make sure that the whole of your blog is indexed on the main Search Engines such as Google, Yahoo and MSN/Live
  • Get a Google Sitemap on your blog to help to get it fully indexed
  •  Participate in online business networking sites such as Linked In, eCademy and SoFlow

  • Make it easy for your readers to bookmark your blog on the social bookmarking sites such as Digg, Del.icio.us, Furl etc.

  • Make sure you submit your blog to the main Blog directories (Good list here and here)
  • Also submit your blog to the main RSS directories
  • Ensure that you automatically ping the main blog Search Engines and Directories such as Technorati and IceRocket to get instantly indexed – good list of pinging addresses
  • Join a number of relevant online communities or discussion groups for your market area
  • Maximize the design of your own blog: highlight posts or subjects that will attract and retain readers
  • Add comments – relevant, useful comments – to other peoples threads or blogs
  • Use Pay per Click (PPC) advertising like Google Adwords or Yahoo Search Marketing
  • Advertise on sites such as Gumtree or Craigslist
  • Make sure that you run an ezine (e-newsletter) alongside your blog and make the two work together
  • Make sure that you link out to other blogs in your blog posts and, for special recommended blogs, in your BlogRoll
  • Set up a social network part of your blog with Ning
  • Write your own e-book (perhaps using content from your blog) and give away free chapters to encourage  visitors or subscribers
  • Start your own meme or viral networking idea
  • Attend local networking groups such as BNI, BRE etc – tell them about what you do and reference your blog
  • Set up and develop a profile on online social networking sites such as MySpace, Bebo etc.
  • Interview people for your own regular podcast – perhaps you could make it like your own online radio show
  • Contact other relevant ezines and offer to write articles for them
  • Submit your articles to article directories (Ezine Articles, Article Alley etc.)and link to your blog in the  signature
  • Submit your own ezine to ezine directories such as Ezine Directory or Best Ezines
  • Include podcasts as part of your blog to distribute interviews, informational pieces etc.
  • Convert some of your existing articles into podcasts
  • Create a lense at Squidoo
  • Distribute and syndicate your articles and podcasts via your RSS feed
  • Offer free white papers or specialist documents which are branded with your blog and RSS details
  • Set up teleconferences or tele seminars focusing on your main content areas
  • Write a review of books on Amazon.com linking back to your blog
  • Distribute press releases via online news services such as PR Web or Press Box
  • Add a poll or survey to your blog and post/distribute the results – try OnlineSeoFrim if you are a WordPress 
  • Read other blogs and leave your own comments on them
  • Use trackbacks when you reference other bloggers posts
  • Create podcasts of your best posts and syndicate them, as well as submitting them to iTunes and other podcast directories
  •  Sign up to Feedburner and include the Headline Animator in your email signature and the one you use when you post to forums
  •  Make sure you include your blog address on your business cards and company stationery
  • Customize and improve your RSS Feed using Feed burner – include special offers, sign up opportunities and make sure the feed delivers the full post
  • Increase RSS feed sign ups by offering a sign up bonus to subscribers – how? Just ask!
  • Offer readers the chance to sign up via email (Feedburner and Feedblitz offer the service
  • Put files and follow ups to presentations, conferences and seminars on your blog for attendees to read and download
  • Offer to become a Guest blogger on other blogs and invite Guest bloggers to write on your own blog
  • Make sure to submit articles to and participate in Blog Carnivals (more on Blog Carnivals here)
  • Optimize your blog where possible and particularly the Categories, Title Tags and Meta Tags
  • Participate regularly in conversations on other blogs
  • Post answers on LinkedIn Answers and Yahoo Answers
  • Try Link Baiting using controversial subjects or opinions be careful though!
  • Contact the main bloggers in your market area and introduce yourself or send details of a particular post that might interest them

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