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Domain Parking is Out of Hand!

I have been searching for a domain for several hours now. I know that there are millions of website owners using billions of domain names, but the whole system is completely out of hand.

I have searched for over a hundred names, not one with an actual dictionary word in it, and only one domain has been available so far. What bothers me more than the lack of available names, is that none of the takes names actually have useful content on them. Almost every one, has a parked page or a made for adsense page, with some generic ads on it and nothing else.

It is completely ridiculous that millions of domains can be registered without the owner ever intending to do anything with the domain, except make a few dollars a year from the three people that accidentally get to the domain, and some how decide to click on a link.

I have emailed parked domain owners in the past with obscure domains that I wanted to purchase. I was probably the only person in history that will ever show any interest in the domain. I almost always get back a response like: “I will sell my domain: rjtjhjr-55445-ksdh.com for $20,000″ or some other absurd amount.

I’m sure that nothing can be done about the situation now, but I really wish that the system would have been made to prevent this.

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